Wednesday, 5 September 2018

I Can Never Think Straight

From a teen in Australia: Lately I’ve been feeling no point to life and I can never think straight. My home life is horrible as i have an abusive older sister who i used to be very close with and now my parents always yell at me and call me the abusive one. I have often panic attacks, i vomited recently after a traumatic event and i can never walk away from my technology no matter how hard i try. My school life is also horrible as i feel that not even my closest friends trust and rely on me and i think i cant rely on them most of the time anyways.

I hate that all people these days care about is looks. No one cares about personality or if some is a good person because its always about who’s prettier. I feel that i have no one to rely on and no one is there for me and everyone would just be better off if i disappeared. Also my schoolwork, i try so hard with but i just cannot get a good grade. I study for a month for an upcoming test and get a bad grade.

I always feel so stressed and nausea is always there and i feel that i am always crying and always try to hide it if someone asks if i’m okay because i no one would understand honestly. I don’t know what to do, I don’t feel like doing anything and i always lose focus during basically anything. It just feels like everyone wants me gone and i can’t recall what i did wrong. Some things that happen often are : increased heart rate, nausea, headache, warm ears, feeling tired all the time, sometimes i feel i can do anything, other times i just want to be gone, severe stress and shaking at random moments. Don’t know what to do.

Oh my. I’m so, so sorry you feel this way. The ray of hope in it is that you do have some close friends. But it is difficult to be a friend or to trust friends when it feels like nothing is going right. You are not alone in your feelings. Many teens experience much of what you are going through. What concerns me is that your feelings have become so intense.

I know it will be difficult to do but I really, really think you need to talk to an adult who can help you get the therapy i think you need. If your school has a counselor, please make a visit. If not, think about talking with a teacher you trust. If talking to someone seems too hard, take your letter with you as a way to do it.

Often parents are more likely to listen to another adult than to their own teen. It’s extremely painful for parents to see their kids in emotional pain. Often they want to believe it’s just a stage a kid is going through. If they feel helpless about how to help, they may get into denial about the seriousness of the problem. I never blame them for that. But most parents do come around once they understand that their kid is in serious emotional trouble and that there are ways they can help.

You need and deserve therapy to help you through this difficult time in your life. You made an important first step by writing to us here at PsychCentral. Now be your own best friend and talk to someone who can help you get the practical, in person support you need.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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