Thursday, 28 July 2016

Free Online Therapy?

Hi, I’m 19 years old and I think I have depression or dysthymia. Since I was about 11, I’ve struggled with periods of extreme sadness/anger that resulted with me cutting myself for a few years. I stopped around 14/15 years old.
However, I still I experienced those episodes quite frequently and, despite my ability to refrain from self harm, they were still of the same magnitude. I struggled with suicidal thoughts, I’ve had issues creating and maintaining relationships (for example, I did not make one new friend my whole first year at a huge college, but rather only talked to my boyfriend and a few friends from high school).
Now, during the summer, I spend 95% of my time in my house (my parents don’t want me with my boyfriend) and I can’t reach out for professional help without my parents knowing because I’m on their insurance. I wanted a summer job but no places around me wanted to hire workers just for the summer. Stigmas are killing me and my mother, who also suffers mentally/physically, makes it hard for me to leave, connect with others, and has an issue with me and my sister growing up and being independent. (Ex. My sister lives at home but is engaged and my mom gets mad if my sister sees her fiance too often but doesn’t act this way with my brother and his gf).
Is there any free online therapy or any free resources I can use to help me? I will not tell my parents while I’m stuck in a house with them, but need help ASAP and I’m just tired of not being happy. Thanks

(PS This isn’t a crisis nor am I relying on this answer to save my life or for psychological assessment. I’ve been looking everywhere for free psychological services and it’d be really great if someone could point me in the right direction.)

A: You came to the right place! Our forums are an excellent way to post your concerns and have others respond. Each forum has a main topic and you can find the one that speaks to you directly. They are free and available 24/7/365.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Depression – Ask the Therapist

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