Sunday 25 December 2016

I Am Desperate

I have been feeling horrible lately. I used to feel sad or anxious before. However, now I don’t know what I’m feeling. I don’t know if this will ever stop. I try to express myself but always do it wrong. Whatever I do, punching walls, trying to cry or being nice with people, is pointless, because I always feel miserable, ridiculous and weak.

I have been thinking about suicide but I don’t really want to kill myself, because I feel so bad about it. I think there is no reason to keep living, but I just feel something absolutely horrible when thinking about suicide, or anything else, really. I feel like I will be selfish and criticized if I commit it.

I just wish I never existed. Everything feels horrible. Please, give me some type of explanation, I hate this.

I am sorry, but I just cannot explain this. The whole letter is very inaccurate.

I am receiving psychological therapy currently, but it’s useless, maybe because I don’t talk to my therapist about these kind of moments in my life.

A: The best place to begin is discussing this with your therapist. These thoughts and feelings are the very stuff of therapy — and talking about them with a therapist is the right thing to do.

You have shown a great amount of courage by sending us this email. Now I would take the next step and talk about this with your therapist. If you have difficulty talking about it, you can show the therapist the email you’ve sent and this response. This can start the discussion between the two of you.

Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Depression – Ask the Therapist

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