Wednesday 28 December 2016

Periods Of Sadness, Anxiety, and Happiness – Is It a Mental Issue?

I’ve always considered myself to be an anxious person. However, this week, I’ve been having a number of panic attacks. Before this, I was only anxious but able to go through presenting, but now, I find myself nauseous, worrying way too much, and I even forget my lines. Aside from this, I have also had a history of dark periods. An example is my last dark period, which lasted for about a month, in which I became suicidal again. When I spoke to my mother about this, she repeatedly denied me having mental issues, but she did say she will get me a therapist (she never did, it’s just something she says.) I am currently in a better place, but I find myself very anxious, and I cannot stay still. My mind keeps going a hundred miles a minute. I now lust after many things. Is this something that should be addressed? And if so, what should I do?
A few more details: I cannot relax, my body is very tense, I hate talking to strangers and hide in my room whenever people I don’t know come to my house, and when I’m with friends, I’m happier. (From Vietnam)

A: Thank you for writing us. While I am glad that you are in a better place, the fact that you have had suicidal thoughts in your last dark period means you want to do everything you can to stop from having that happen again. It is time for you to see a therapist. Tell your mom and make sure she understands that it is not something to put off. If she doesn’t make the appointment for you right away, let a trusted teacher in your school know and ask for help. Writing us was a very good beginning. Now follow it up by getting a therapist.

Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Depression – Ask the Therapist

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