Monday 28 January 2019

Unlucky Thirteen

Today is the 13th anniversary of this blog. I wanted to write a sharp and subversive post.1 Or at least compose a series of self-deprecating witticisms about persisting this long. Alas, it has been an extremely  difficult year.

Instead, I drew inspiration from Twitter (@neuroecology) and a blogger who's been at it even longer than I (@DoctorZen). Very warily I might add, because I knew the results would not be flattering or pretty.

Behold my scores on the “Big Five” personality traits (and weep). Some of the extremes are partly situational, and that's why I'm presenting these traits separately. Sure, negative emotionality is a relative fixed part of my personality, but the 100% scores on depression and anxiety are influenced by grief (due to the loss of my spouse of 12 years). Personality psychologists would turn this around and say that someone high in trait negative emotionality (formerly known as the more disparaging “neuroticism”) would be predisposed to depression and anxiety.

Another fun trait score is shown below. This one might be even sadder. Yeah, I'm introverted, but people in my situation often tend to withdraw from friends, family, and society.2 Again, reverse the causality if you wish, but social isolation is not an uncommon response.

But hey, I am pretty conscientious, as you can see from my overall test results on the Big Five. You too can take the test HERE.

I'll have something more interesting for you next time.


1 Why? To prove to myself that I can still do it? To impress the dwindling number of readers? To show how the blog has not exceeded its expiry date it still has relevance in its own modest and quirky way.

2 Hey, I actually had two social engagements this weekend! My lack of assertiveness is disturbing, however. But I absolutely do not want to take the lead on anything right now.

from The Neurocritic

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