Friday, 26 August 2016

Emotional Abuse for Years and Neglect as a Child

Opinions? I belong to this group of adults without solid parents , with severe abandonment issues … Yesterday a person I know just became friends with her father on fb. Her father was blasting her page with political rants (though embarrassed she thought she would let it go until the 50th embarrassing post where it insulted her friend, so she just deleted the post) later that night she wrote on her dads page simply “I love and miss you.” In the morning it was deleted. She asked her father why did you delete the love I sent you? Response since you think it’s ok to censor my words I thought I’d sensor yours. girl replies in private “but dad my post was beautiful love sent directly to you from me” , Response: “my page is only about music and I won’t be positing anything on your wall again – Dad.” What’s the psychological stance on this you think ? Honest candid answers only please.

A: My honest, candid feedback has to do with your involvement. Someone posting abusive statements on Facebook is a rather straightforward issue to deal with. That’s why Facebook has a feature where people can be blocked. The most pressing question here isn’t about what to do — or validation of an abusive father — there is never a good reason for tolerating abuse.

The better question is for you to ask yourself why this situation has bothered you so deeply. What is it that upsets you knowing your friend is being verbally abused? What is drawing you to seek answers for a situation you are not involved in? Understanding the reason for your involvement and concern may be valuable to recognize for your own growth.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Ask the Therapist

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