Sunday 27 August 2017

Thoughts about Inflicting Harm

I would never purposefully harm (or kill) an animal or another person, but sometimes I think about it. I’ve thought about stabbing my mother while she’s asleep or hurting one of my animals. Today I picked up a hammer that my kitten had knocked to the floor and immediately envisioned hitting her with it. I love my mother, of course, and I love my animals, and I would never do anything to harm them. Sometimes I do lose my patience and get a little rough with my animals when they’re being brats, but I’ve never intentionally hurt them, and I always feel horrible if I even so much as shout at them. I just want to know why I envision doing these things when I’m not even capable of doing them, why I would even think about such acts. (From the USA)

A:  I think it take courage to talk about these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. The important thing here is that you know the images and reactions are not something you would act on. Since your profile says that you are in college, I would use the university counseling center to discuss the discomfort that comes when these thoughts come up. There are techniques that can help you deal with them very directly, which should help reduce your anxiety.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Ask the Therapist

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