Friday 21 April 2017

Schizophrenia or Anxiety?

It all started with me intaking a syrop that contained THC, I was told that I would not experience any feelings of being high but it would help with my pain. ( I have pelvic floor dysfunction). As I took it, about two hours later I started to get a Panic attack , my heart would beat really fast and I thought I was going insane and dizzy. After that I had a feeling of derealization, not depersonalization that I did not feel like in my body, but that everything seemed weird strange, and in a fog almost dream like. I thought that this is what THC caused me to feel like (Never did it before). Next day I was fine but I found out my co-worker has passed away due to heroin overdose. Since then I had no symptomps of anything. Two months later, I started to get panic attacks and anxiety after my boyfriend’s fathers death. I had heart palapation, dizziness and lightheadeness. Once I found out that it was anxiety I learned to deal with it. However the derealization happened again once and made me feel like in a constant fog. Soon this went away as well but these intrusive thoughts won’t go away. Especially at night time where I think what if I am not really here, everything seems strange and weird around me. Not as much as that night that I took the syroup but sort of. IT’s just these thoughts are scaring me and make me think that I might be getting schizophrenia , or the onset of it…This is all I can think about, I try to go out and there are days where I have better days and seem happy and normal but then the worse days come too. I also thought I have schizophrenia because as I was falling asleep I would have a lot of chaotic thoughts in my head, not voices but random song lyrics popping up , scaring me to think I’m going crazy. Please I need some advice.

A. I cannot provide a diagnosis over the Internet, but nothing in your letter would suggest schizophrenia. People who are prone to anxiety commonly think they are developing schizophrenia. In fact, it is one of the most common questions that I receive.

You had a number of experiences that seem consistent with anxiety. It’s possible that you have anxiety and not schizophrenia. Consult a therapist, in-person, to determine what disorder, if any, you may have.

These problems seem to have been triggered by your consumption of the THC-laced syrup. You may have had a negative reaction to it and its side effects may be still impacting you. When it comes to anxiety, it’s always best to be proactive. If you’re worried about your mental health, then it’s wise to consult a mental health professional. They can design a treatment plan to address your symptoms. I would highly recommend consulting a professional. It will help you to feel better.

Treatments for anxiety disorders typically include counseling and medication, but not everyone needs both. Counseling will help you learn how to calm yourself when you’re feeling distressed. These skills are particularly important for people who are prone to anxiety. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

from Ask the Therapist

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