Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Best of Our Blogs: May 21, 2019

Do you ever feel like you always have to be on? You have to say the “right,” thing, act the “right way,” be witty, funny, but not too yourself.

If you have chronic illness, you might struggle to appear normal. You don’t want to stick out at work or be the anxious or troubled one amongst friends. You don’t want to be passed up for a promotion because of it or judged differently by acquaintances.

But all that hiding is tiring. At some point we either risk who we are or we lose ourselves.

That’s why a sense of community is important. If it’s unsafe to be yourself at work or with family, you can hang with friends who don’t care about your insecurities, but do care that you take care of yourself. Even if this means you leave early at events because you’re easily overwhelmed, take medication, see a therapist and don’t talk to your toxic relatives. They get it because they get you.

If we’re lucky, we have a lot of these people around. Sometimes we find them online. Whether you find them on our forums, Facebook or other groups like The Mighty, where is not as important as who we connect with.

The Difference Between Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Confidence and Self-Knowledge
(Childhood Emotional Neglect) – Which one of these areas do you struggle with and what’s the underlying cause? You’ll find the answer here.

Science Tries to Flip the Addiction Switch and Succeeds
(NLP Discoveries) – Can an alternative way to treat addiction be in the near future?

Finding Emotional Freedom After a Toxic Relationship
(Happily Imperfect) – Here’s what life can look like on the other side of a toxic relationship.

On My Nana’s Funeral, When They Showed Up.
(Common Humanity) – It’s the simple act of being there that can be the thing we need the most.

Knitting Heals: Interview with a Stroke Survivor
(Crafting Heals) – One woman shares how knitting helped her after a stroke.

from World of Psychology http://bit.ly/2QcRFsw
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