Friday, 31 May 2019

Best of Our Blogs: May 31, 2019

I know what it’s like when your world closes up. Anxiety can do that to you. Something happens like a traumatic event and you’re triggered. Maybe you get a panic attack or health scare. Your body will do anything not to go through that again. So you avoid situations. Maybe you don’t go to that same coffee shop or ride small airplanes anymore.

But soon you find yourself not wanting to go out with friends or travel. Staying at home seems to be the only way you can gain some sense of control. But it’s all an illusion.

The trick to getting through any scary experience is to gradually get yourself back up again. The more things you go through, the more confidence you have. The trick is to expand your world even when you’re afraid. The small brave thing could simply be driving to the market or blogging about your experience.

As it is the last day of mental health awareness month, I wanted to share my own story. I suffered from an asthma attack for the first time last year, which made going anywhere seemed like a gigantic feat. But the more hurdles I overcome, the easier it becomes. The key for me is to do something a little scary every day, going out when I don’t feel like it, exercising past my comfort zone, and even speaking my truth.

Life can become so much more complicated when you’re struggling with anything whether it’s physical illness like chronic migraines and autoimmune disease or mental illness like anxiety and depression. All of our energy is spent working through these issues sometimes on a moment to moment basis. It’s not easy. But I believe we’re not alone in our struggles.

In fact, one of our top posts shares how you can transform your experiences from failure to self-growth and mastery by changing your mindset. I hope it helps you feel strong on your own personal journey with mental illness.

Abusive Things Narcissists and Other Abusers Think Are Okay to Do
(Psychology of Self) – It’s the best thing you can do to heal yourself when you’re the victim of any type of violation or abuse.

Mistaken Identity: These People Don’t Have a Personality Disorder
(The Exhausted Woman) – How many of us are guilty of diagnosing our loved ones? If you’re certain they have a personality disorder, read this. The truth may surprise you.

Exploring Where Your Attention Really Goes
(Weightless) – Instead of being unconsciously led by our thoughts, this post shows us how we can bring what we’re paying attention to to light.

Want to Get Better? Learn to Take a Risk
(Leveraging Adversity) – To achieve mastery in life, a change in thinking is required. Read how a shift in your mindset could help you achieve anything successfully.

The Consequences of Helicopter Parenting
(Anger Management) – Your intentions are good. You want your children to listen, behave and be kind to others. But if you’re telling them what to do and reacting out of anger, you’re missing an opportunity to teach them independence and responsibility.

from World of Psychology

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