Thursday 26 January 2017

Creating a Successful Private Practice in 2017: People NEED You!

Do you believe that your community needs you in private practice? I do. Start to look around as you go about your day and you will see lots of people who could benefit from the work that you do. Or, you could dig into some of the data out in the world! And while non-profits and agencies can meet some of the need, a lot of people would benefit from private practice services. 
Have you checked out the rise in the prescription of anxiety medications in the last few years? I LOVE that people are identifying the impact of anxiety on their lives and seeking treatment! But, how many of those individuals would benefit from concurrent psychotherapy or would be candidates for psychotherapy as an alternative to medication? 
Why Create a Successful Private Practice: 
There are many therapists in private practice who are struggling. Unfortunately, financial struggle does not free up therapists in their clinical work, or allow them to be in the work for the “long haul.” Communities need us for the long haul. They need us to be fully present for them. They need us to be well rested, well trained, and well supported.
How to Create a Successful Private Practice
It is incredibly important that you identify what a successful private practice would mean for you. Not just the vision of what your office will look like, or how many clients you will work with, but what the nitty gritty financial needs are for your life and business long term. If you don’t identify the financial needs for your life and your business before you set your fee, your schedule, and your expenses- a full private practice could lead to you still living paycheck to paycheck, or even living on credit cards.
Get Some Support
Most mental health degrees or licenses don’t come with business training or a business degree. The work experience you received along the way was most likely primarily in non-profits- which do not model the skills needed to be a small business owner. Ten years ago there was VERY little support and information freely available- and today there is SO much support available for you! There are blogs, podcasts, apps, facebook groups, webinars, and so much more- all completely free!
Do You Need A Kick in the Pant? 
We are almost a month into the first quarter of 2017. You just sent in your final tax payment for last year, and you should be getting your taxes ready to file right now… how are things going? Do you need a shift in your financial outlook for 2017? Or, are you busy and feeling a little burnt out and wondering if you can sustain this level of clients- that is a sign that something needs to shift too!
Join us for the FREE 6-week Private Practice Challenge. We will have thousands of therapists from all around the world!

from Psych Central Professional

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