Friday 27 January 2017

Difficulty with Sister

My relationship with my sister has always been strained. After her decision to Marry, we were brought up Catholic, she left the church but I stayed, outside of the church and my choice not to attend or be a part of because of my beliefs, she temporarily disowned me. We have sense talked and even though she says she’s forgiven me, our relationship, at times, is still strained. She becomes cold and distant and then “pokes” or starts “pressing buttons”. Not quiet sure how to deal with this; right now I feel space, she lives about 100 miles from me, and distance is the best. She’ll keep inviting me to her home and then it’s like she forgot she was annoyed and then she starts these “attacks”.

A: I find it interesting that someone who is so connected to their church would alienate their own sister. In this instance, I would let your sister know exactly how it feels to be on the receiving end of her attitude — and that it is hard to continue being in her presence when this is her agenda. Hopefully this will give her some feedback that will help her adjust, but if not I’d offer to attend a spiritually directed counseling session by a person of her choosing. Many churches have a spiritually oriented counseling opportunity for parishioners and their families. I think this would be helpful for both of you.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Ask the Therapist

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