Sunday 29 January 2017

General Curiosity

I can’t seem to find anything on this when I search the net- sorry if this isn’t the place for it but I’m not sure where else to look. My question is, more or less, is it considered within the norm for ones go-to response when faced with a dangerous situation to be sexual offering? I Can’t put this in to context using personal experience really….it’s more of an instinctual thing? if that makes sense? I’ve never acted on it as I have never personally been in a situation that would illicit that response, but when I’m watching or reading anything scary or thrilling, I always find myself chanting; “Seduce the antagonist” in the back of my mind and honestly believe that if i were in a situation similar to the one’s I’m watching/reading, that My response would be the same. I’m a bit worried to say the least, is this predisposition at all normal?

A: Thank you for your email and the courage to ask your question. The best answer I can give you is two pronged. First there is some support for the idea from an evolutionary perspective from something known as transactional sex. This means that the use of sex to obtain food, shelter and safety may have some evolutionary survival roots. More psychologically and literarily, particularly since you say: “Seduce the antagonist” you may simply be anticipating the arc of the story. Consider this article about female roles in literature. It highlights how female characters from Shakespeare through Disney have used their sexuality to manipulate outcomes.

Since these are thoughts triggered from tales you are reading or watching than from your personal life I would guess this is more about your literary sensitivities.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Ask the Therapist

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