Monday 23 January 2017

My Hyperactivity and Active Imagination Ruins My Current Life?

From a teen in Australia: Hello, thank for taking a notice to my problems. Anyway, I am currently having problems with my overly active imagination. I was lonely when I was younger, I was isolated and different from my peers.I wonder if this have anything to do with my relatives (cousins, parents,siblings)’s OCD and Asperger.

I am an excellent student, performing well in Math and many other subjects (not sport). Even so, it is very hard for me to pay attention at school. Most of the time, even when I’m in front of everyone or at home, I started walking around carelessly, believing that I am talking to someone.

I recall memories during the day and start to imagine I am talking to a teacher, a friend or a stranger. I then perform and acts like the other person. It is very amusing and I start to laugh ( which scares people) Sometime, my imaginations gets creative and I started to feel angry, sad, or even start crying by myself. Sometime I start screaming when I recall something bad.

I also have a weird relationship with my teddy bears, talking to them every night and trying to please them ( including feeding it) I believe that some force is watching over me and I have to try to please them or bad things will happen to me.

Sometime I have burst of confident when I do weird and impulsive stuff, sometime I get timid and anxious when I can’t breathe.

Please help me to see if there is anything wrong with me. These habits started when I was really young and I couldn’t stop doing it even though they interfere with my life.

A: Lonely young children often develop imaginary friends, a vivid imagination and imaginary relationships with their stuffed animals. Usually, however, they outgrow the extremes of it well before they are your age (15), especially once they start school and start having friendships with real people.

The fact that you haven’t outgrown it does concern me. For that reason, I encourage you to talk to a local counselor who can spend the time with you to fully understand what is going on and how to help you take more control of your life. If you have a school counselor, you could start there. Often school counselors or nurses know of local therapists who work especially well with teens.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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