Monday, 17 April 2017

College Essay Writing Services: Do Poor Grades Mean the Writer is at Fault?

purchase college papers onlineThe quality of a psychology research paper is heavily influenced by the writing skill, subject knowledge, and professional experience of the writer. As a result, if a student buys a college paper online, uses it as a template for his or her work, and receives a poor grade, it is very tempting to lay the blame squarely at the feet of the writer or the online writing service.

But is the hired writer always deserving of blame in this situation? College essay writing service provides some answers to this question, as well as a few tips to help you get the most out of the college papers and essays you purchase online.

When does an online writing service or a hired writer deserve blame?

It is important to remember that college essay writers are reputable experts in their subject area as well as in writing. Many online writing companies in the United States and the United Kingdom have a strict selection process that tests the knowledge base, critical thinking, communication skill, and writing skill of the men and women they hire. As a result, only the best writers with experience in writing research papers, essays, dissertations, and other academic assignments are allowed to work with you when you buy college papers online.

As online writing agencies tend to produce high quality work, students may be surprised if they receive a low mark on a research or writing assignment. The writing agency must assume responsibility if the following conditions are true:

  • The selected writer conducted poor or insufficient research
  • The writer was asked to produce work in a specialized field in which he or she has no expertise
  • The piece is poorly organized
  • The writing style indicates a lack of vocabulary and/or poor sentence structure
  • The writer included improperly formatted citations or references

If these basic writing rules were broken, the hired writer and the online writing company are culpable for any low marks on your work. However, there are circumstances when clients receive poor grades without the writer being at fault.

Situations in which College Essay Writing Services Should Not Be Blamed for Poor Custom Papers

Detailed reports on thousands of online writing projects indicate that clients often play a major role when they receive low grades on a paper they purchased. Many clients believe the myth that providing a topic and paying the writing fee are the sole requirements in order to score a A on their assignment. This is simply not true. In many cases, hired writers will need additional information.

If you want to get the most of an online writing agency, ensure that the following tasks are accomplished as soon as possible:

  • Provide the writing with specific instructions and recommendations
  • Discuss the structure of the paper with your supervisor before hiring a writer
  • Upload all extra materials the writer may need
  • Indicate what aspects of the research need to be emphasized
  • Communicate with your writer and agree on a writing plan
  • Evaluate the draft that the online writing agency provides

The writing process is likely to be faster, more affordable, and of higher quality if your application includes all of these necessary details. Any hired writer needs to know what your demands and expectations are in order to meet them. Many clients will receive top grades when they buy college essays online, but as usual, the devil is in the details.

Image courtesy of love121887


from What is Psychology?

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