Saturday 25 November 2017

I Just Don’t Know What My Deal Is

Every time I’m left with nothing but my thoughts it’s the same story. I have an extensive conversation with myself about everything negative about my life and it always leads to me trying to figure out whether or not I might actually have a problem. Almost all of my friends and family have some form of mental health issue and it puts a strain on me to attempt to decode whether or not Im just experiencing something normal or something that I need to deal with. Its exhausting. I went out one night to a bridge only to discover it had no sheer drop but was a long incline. I still dont know whether I actually wanted to leap off or if I was trying to prove to myself that i wouldn’t do it and that I was just overthinking myself. In short. I have no idea whats going on in my head and I dont know what to do. Its hard to describe since i forget my thoughts until the next time im alone.

A. You’re not alone in struggling to “decode” what’s wrong. I understand your frustration but you are not equipped to diagnose your own psychological problems. Humans are not born with an ability to understand psychological problems. That knowledge has to be learned, yet people often scold themselves when they are unable to solve their own problems. The layperson cannot diagnose mental illnesses because they have no training in this area. Mental health professionals undergo years of rigorous training and study to learn about psychological problems and how to treat them.

If you are willing and open to it, you should consult a mental health professional. That would be the most advantageous and expeditious course of action. They would know what’s wrong and most importantly how to fix it.

It’s worrisome that you would consider leaping off a bridge. Couple that with your negative thinking and it suggests that you might have depression. At minimum, it suggests that you are suffering with distressing thoughts. It is important that you know that there are treatments designed to address these very types of distressing thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a particularly effective treatment for negative thoughts. You don’t have to deal with these problems on your own. Therapy could be immensely helpful. I hope that you will consider it.

People who attempt suicide often do so impulsively. You don’t want to put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation when you are at your most vulnerable. Stay away from dangerous situations and areas, such as the bridge you mentioned. If you cannot protect yourself from harm, then it’s imperative to seek emergency assistance. Go to the hospital or call emergency services. They will know how to protect you. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

from Depression – Ask the Therapist

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