Friday 25 November 2016

Best of Our Blogs: November 25, 2016

thanksgiving 2016

As I write this, it’s Thanksgiving morning. There is havoc in my two kid household. But that is normal. The sound of crying, whining and meltdowns (which could or could not be coming from the grown ups as well), is not the peaceful gathering we dream of. Some days, I think longly of the time before kids when I could sleep in, have time to daydream and waste time as I saw fit. And then I remember.

We all so easily throw away what we have for the idea of something better. We see an update on Facebook, a blog post or an email, and all of the things we thought were beautiful, seem not good enough.

As you read this, it will be the day after Thanksgiving. Maybe you’re braving the malls for black Friday or you’re bracing yourself for the upcoming holidays. I hope that you can appreciate the preciousness of this moment.

Let us all remember gratitude, not for anything big or momentous, but for the ordinary things that we take for granted like being here.

Thank you dear readers, whoever and wherever you are, for reading this post. I am grateful for you.

Top 10 Holiday Defense Mechanisms
(The Exhausted Woman) – This explains why there is an elephant in the room at your holiday gathering, why a relative made a sarcastic remark to you and why someone at Thanksgiving didn’t show up or left early.

What is an HSP? – Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person
(NLP Discoveries) – You’re sensitive. But are you highly sensitive? Read this to find out everything you need and want to know about highly sensitive people.

When “Self Care” becomes Self Indulgence (And How to Spot the Difference)
(The Art of Private Practice) – There is a thin line between self care and self indulgence. How can you tell if your desire to take care of yourself is actually an excuse to avoid responsibility? This post will give you the tough truth and tips for how to really engage in self-care activities.

Are You in a Passive Aggressive Relationship? Attitudes, Excuses and Coping Skills
(Anger Management) – Feel victimized by a person who always has to get their way? Instead of blaming, assuming responsibility or feeling guilty in response, try these techniques to disengage from their passive aggressive anger.

How Women Can Overcome People-Pleasing and Perfectionism
(Happily Imperfect) – If you struggle with feeling good enough, you’re not alone. Women often battle with the fear of being rejected or abandoned. But when you work hard to please others and be perfect, you’re doing so at expense of your self-esteem and self-worth.

from World of Psychology

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