Friday 23 June 2017

I’m Not Really Sure What’s Wrong Or if Anything Is Wrong

I’m not sure if anything is wrong with me but sometimes I think about situations were something bad could happens to me and I kind of wish that, that’s what would happen not enough for me to die but just seriously hurt, for example sometimes when I go to sleep I wish that I couldn’t wake up and be in a coma or when I walk home from school I think about being kidnapped run over and anticipate it hoping that one day it’ll happen. but that’s not the only thing, my two only friends moved towns last year and so did my big sister for whom I was very close with, ever since then I haven’t been able to talk to anyone about what’s been going on in my head, these girls that I know from primary school have tried to be my friend but I can’t talk to them about anything and I always feel left out, I pretend to be happy and smile, I try being interested in the things that they talk about but I give up and zone out contemplating my thoughts, I would continue with my problems but I can’t be bothered. (From Australia)

A: The thoughts you are having are about being victimized, and my guess is that you feel this way with the three losses you have had recently. The work in front of you is to make some new friends. People we love and care about and feel safe with will constantly move in — and out — of our lives. As difficult as it seems I would try to build on the relationships you have and add to them.

Trust takes time, but it also takes some effort on your part. Reach out and build more of a relationship with the people you know and look for opportunities to widen that circle of friends.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Ask the Therapist

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