Sunday 28 May 2017

My Past Problems Are Re-Occuring

As a smaller child, I used to always hear people calling my name, even though they actually were not. I learned to live with it, although I never told anybody about it because I was afraid of how they would react. Normally I can ignore it and continue with my everyday life. Me and my mom have never had a good relationship, but when she found out that I have a girlfriend at school (being a girl myself) things went downhill from there. Now, all I ever hear is her calling my name in an angered tone that I can’t ignore, and now it’s even upgraded to her standing in my room, just standing and yelling, or so it appears. When I’m around her now, I can’t even tell if it’s actually her or just me and my mind. I can’t hold a conversation with the real her because I keep thinking of all the things the fake version of her has said. Even worse, I can’t sleep with her standing there watching me and screaming at me in my mind. It won’t stop. I’m pretty sure this isn’t normal. What can I do to make this stop? (From the USA)

A:  Thank you for emailing us. I admire the fact that you are coping with this on your own for a while. But it is time to get some help. The best thing for you now is to tell your parents you aren’t feeling well and to ask to go to a physician. When you go, let the physician know what is going on. The physician is in the right position of helping. He or she will be able to determine what you need.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan
Proof Positive Blog @ PsychCentral

from Depression – Ask the Therapist

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