Saturday 30 September 2017

Decreasing Attention Span & Focus

Hi. I’ve always had issues with attention and focus as a child, but I’ve never noticed it and managed to get myself throughout childhood and adolescence without much trouble or difficulty.

However, in the past few years, and particularly the past couple of years, my ability to focus (on studying and other activities requiring sustained mental concentration) have been decreasing at an alarming rate.

I feel that my mind is driven by a “motor” that constantly requires stimulation. I would sit down to study and my thoughts would immediately begin to wander. Suppressing those thoughts would be a near-impossible task for me. It has gotten to the point that I would take roughly twelve (or more) hours to read something that a typical individual could do so in less than forty-five minutes. I have to intentionally drain my cellphone/laptop battery so that they do not distract me, although even those measures fail to maintain my focus.

Since the things I’m studying in school are memorization-heavy and require significant recall abilities, this issue has taken a heavy toll on my academics.

Is there anything I could do to alleviate this issue? I do not wish to use any medications nor do I think I need the consult of a physician.

Thank you! (From Canada)

A:  While it would not be possible nor ethical for me to make a diagnosis, I would say you may want to rule out the possibility of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as the symptoms seem to suggest this is at least something to rule out. I’d highly recommend you connect with a licensed clinical psychologist qualified to deliver a battery of tests that can determine your strengths and possible weaknesses. More than that, these evaluations typically recommend treatment options. For more information you may want to read our article at

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan

from Ask the Therapist

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