Sunday 25 February 2018

Is My Brain Working Normally?

From a teen in Germany: The problem i am dealing is with exams(entrance exams). I am a decent student, pretty quick learner, i checked my IQ, it turned out to be 156 but anyway i do not believe in that. I have my good and bad points.

The problem with me is that when i am giving an exam or i am in sports competitions (Threat situations because everything is on the line) , i get this black out or this concentration deficiency. my brain feels dead in these situations, i researched about this thing called working memory and hot and cold cognition, when i am in these situations,

i am very calm on the outside but on the inside my body temperature gets high, my brain works extremely fast which leads to mistakes, anxiety maybe, but even if i calm myself, my brain does not work quite well(i am guessing its due to hot cognition) i solved sample questions at home and i get pretty good score because i am more concentrated also i can extract information very easily but when i am in an exam i keep reading the same line and have no idea what it is talking about.

This is embarrassing and at the same time frustrating because i wasted a year between school and university. if you could help me out that will be a great help. Thank you!

A: I can’t provide a diagnosis on the basis of a letter, of course. But I can tell you that if you were seeing me for an evaluation, I’d be checking for anxiety. It’s possible that in high-stakes situations, your anxiety gets the better of you. If that’s the case, the good news is that some coaching in coping skills is probably what will be most effective.

I encourage you to seek out a mental health professional who can hear your whole story and who can give you recommendations for management of your symptoms. There is no reason to wait and possibly waste another year. You are smart and articulate. I think you will make good use of therapy.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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