Saturday 29 September 2018

Can You Give Me Guidance about an OCD Relapse?

From the U.S.: I have been diagnosed with OCD years ago and it has recently resurfaced worse than ever due to stress. I can’t see a psychiatrist anytime soon so I’m reaching out for advice. I fear that I’m in the stages of prodromal psychosis. I’ve been on Celexa for the past 3 weeks and it isn’t reacting well with me so I’m tapering off now while getting on Anafranil because the medication saved me years ago.

My therapist that used to work in a mental hospital has told me I’m not showing signs of psychosis and she thinks my “symptoms” are the result of extreme stress and anxiety. I have told her I worry I’m hearing things and I do occasionally see movement in my peripheral vision but I’ve been told I’m just hyper aware of my surroundings right now and that I’m experiencing normal things but just worried about it all because of my OCD.

I’ve been dealing with this OCD relapse since May (after an extremel stressful month) and it’s only gotten worse and the reason I got on this obsession about psychosis was because I was experiencing Derealization and Depersonalization and wasn’t sure what it was so I began suspecting I was experiencing schizophrenia or psychosis and I began researching it only to make my OCD latch onto it.

I see a primary care doctor and specialized therapist as of now but I can’t see an actual psychiatrist anytime soon and I worry about my sanity in the meantime. I’m worried that starting this Anafranil will make any psychosis I might be experiencing worse but I have been told I don’t have psychosis so I will take it in hopes it will help me as much as it did 5 years ago which my doctor said is likely.

I’m not sure what else to do at this point and I’m hoping for guidance. I’ll also add in that I went to our local mental hospital where they said I wasn’t experiencing any signs of psychosis so I shouldn’t worry anymore but I can’t help but still half believe I’m experiencing the early stages.

Thank you for writing. I’m sure this is all very distressing. But I think you need to listen to the people who know you well and who are doing their best to help you. I can tell you that in my experience Anafranil has been very helpful to some of my patients who also are challenged with OCD.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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