Wednesday 31 October 2018

How Do I Get Motivated to Do School Work?

From a teen in the U.S.: ever since I was young, in school i skimped on my school work. The main I way I would pass the grades is doing some homework and aceing the tests. i never study and don’t focus too much on the teacher when they are talking. due to this, my hand writing is awful and writing for too long hurts my hand since i’m not used to writing a lot for school.

this worked up until freshman year, where i started to tank. i’m now in 11th grade and way behind on credits. i have no motivation to do my work, my mind just blanks every I try to type.

another note is, I’ve lived on a livestock auctioning grounds my whole life and have been doing yard work since a young age. from this I’ve developed a hatred of work, and this is affecting my education. my teacher also thinks i have ADD I’ve wanted to get myself checked, but my family doesn’t think i have it and just thinks i’m lazy. is there something wrong with me? is there hope for me? what should i do? sorry for this all over the place post, but i’m out of ideas.

If your work in the yard is part of the family’s survival in hard economic times, you do need an attitude transplant. In that case, think about the importance of what you are doing and give yourself credit for your participation. Consider talking to your folks about whether there is a way for you to get a break from the home tasks or maybe to change the tasks you are doing.

As for your problems in school: This is not uncommon among very bright kids. They’ve been able to coast along on their brains during the time that other kids have had to work for their grades. Then they hit a wall. Native intelligence doesn’t work anymore when subjects get harder and the demand for managing multiple subjects gets challenging. Sometimes this happens in high school. Sometimes in college. But the lack of a work ethic always catches up with people eventually. So — you’re not alone.

That being said, it’s never too late to learn the discipline required to succeed academically. You don’t need me to tell you that doing so is necessary if you think you want a career that will require a college education. If you don’t know how to start, there may be a teacher or guidance counselor at school who can meet with you regularly for awhile to help you learn how organize, prioritize and manage your work.

To settle the ADD issue, talk to your school guidance counselor about what is required to get evaluated. If you do have ADD, you are not alone in that either. Kids with ADD do learn how to make it work for them so they can be successful.

Ultimately, how you position yourself for your future is up to you. Having “motivation” is a decision. It doesn’t descend from the skies. It isn’t genetic. It isn’t even something other people can make you have. It’s a choice. I’m not saying it’s easy to change a bad habit (like resistance to work) but, like all habits, it’s a matter of commitment to the project.You are clearly a smart guy. Put those smarts to good use.

I wish you well,
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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