Thursday 25 October 2018

Podcast: The Problem of Workplace Bullying


Bullying is a huge problem in society. Many people believe that it’s something that takes place just in school and online, but it’s also unfortunately present in the work environment, as many listeners will likely agree. This episode looks at the topic of workplace bullying, covering the definition and causes of it, the extended damage it can inflict (including the damage “taken home”), and the pattern that workplace bullying often follows. Also discussed is “mobbing,” where entire groups of employees are being bullied. Listen to this episode to learn just how widespread workplace bullying is, and about instances where perceived bullying really isn’t bullying at all.

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Show Highlights:

“Generally, it’s about half of workers who either experience bullying or just witness it on the job.” ~ Debra Falzoi

  • What exactly is workplace bullying?
  • How widespread is it?
  • What pattern does this sort of bullying follow?
  • What is “mobbing”?

About Our Guest

Debra Falzoi is an anti-bullying advocate and the founder of Dignity Together, which seeks to elevate the term “workplace bullying” and provide employees with the dignity and respect they deserve. She educates employees and validates their experiences so they can take back their dignity. She also trains therapists and employers on the dynamics of workplace bullying and how they can support employees.

Debra built a base of more than 8,000 workplace anti-bullying legislation supporters, the largest by state in the nation. She’s helped hundreds of abused employees understand their bullying situations, discover their self-worth, and learn how to move on from their toxic work cultures. Deb has been quoted in numerous media outlets including Forbes, Alternet, Elephant Journal, Thrive Global, and Truthout.

About The Psych Central Show Podcast Hosts

Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar and anxiety disorders. He is also one of the co-hosts of the popular show, A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. As a speaker, he travels nationally and is available to make your event stand out. To work with Gabe, please visit his website,



Vincent M. Wales is a former suicide prevention counselor who lives with persistent depressive disorder. He is also the author of several award-winning novels and creator of the costumed hero, Dynamistress. Visit his websites at and



from World of Psychology

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