Saturday 29 October 2016

Fiance Aggravated Easily, I Don’t Feel Loved/Needed

From the U.S.: My fiance and I live together and have a 3 yo child. He does not work, I work full time. He has a drug addiction. He is easily aggravated and always makes me feel like he doesn’t want to be with me. I never receive compliments and he hardly ever goes out of his way for me. I give him most of my paycheck & he gets what he wants if we have the money for it. I feel like he doesn’t care to hear how i feel. When i call him and he answers he acts like he is too busy or just doesn’t want to talk…

A: Why, oh why, are you hanging on to this guy? He’s an addict who doesn’t want treatment. You are being taken advantage of financially. He isn’t treating you in a loving, respectful way. Your child is growing up thinking that this abnormal relationship is “normal” so is more likely to repeat it when she grows up.

Cut your losses and get out. You have a profession so you can survive financially. You are not legally tied to him. He isn’t giving you anything.

You deserve better. Your child deserves a more stable home with adults who love and cherish each other.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

from Ask the Therapist

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