Saturday 25 March 2017

Psychology Around the Net: March 25, 2017

Doctor Writing Out Rx Prescription

Happy Saturday, sweet readers!

This week’s Psychology Around the Net is an interesting mix of information on capital punishment and the severely mentally ill, how we used to think architecture could cure mental illness, why you probably can’t blame stress for gray hair, and more.

Off-Label Antidepressant Prescriptions Not Supported by Strong Scientific Evidence: Sometimes, doctors issue “off-label prescriptions” which means they prescribe medications for purposes other than those approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); however, researchers of a new study published in the BMJ have concluded there isn’t enough evidence regarding the risks and benefits of off-label antidepressant use and that there’s an urgent need to provide doctors with such evidence before prescribing.

Feeling Stuck in a Rut? Here’s How to Burst Out and Thrive: From our businesses to our exercise and eating habit to our social lives, there are plenty of areas in our lives where we can find ourselves in a rut. Often, these ruts develop due to fear and an erosion of self-confidence and self-assurance over the years; however, there are ways to both pinpoint and overcome these obstacles.

When We Thought Mental Illness Could be Cured with Architecture: The National Building Museum’s Architecture of an Asylum: St. Elizabeths, 1852-2017 opens today and takes a look at the days when physician believed certain kinds of buildings (such as those that provided much sunlight and ventilation) could help cure people. Says Sarah Leavitt, the exhibit’s curator, “It turns out that’s not true. You can’t fix brain chemistry with architecture.”

Personality Types Who Fall For Narcissists: Are You One? Having a better understanding of your personality type (or even certain elements of your personality) can give you a better understanding of whether you will fall for — or whether you have fallen for — a narcissist.

Can Mentally Ill Americans Be Executed? It’s Complicated: Going beyond the “insanity defense” (and all that defines “insanity” in a courtroom), some states are considering legislation to ban the death penalty for people with severe mental illnesses and brain injuries. Although the bills don’t have a common definition of “severe mental illness” yet, it’s likely they’ll include major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, and traumatic brain injury.

The Truth About the Link Between Gray Hair and Stress: Have a few strands of gray (or glitter, as I call them) popping up? While many of us quickly blame stress (and our inability to combat the stress!) for gray hair, the truth is that for the majority of people, gray hair mostly boils down to genetic factors over which we have no control. (Still, work on combating that stress!)

from World of Psychology

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